Clare Prince - Papermaking in Japan: techniques and variations for making
some conservation and decorative papers
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
Michelle Brown - Medieval Books: their bindings and their functions
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
An Exhibition of the Guild of Bookworkers Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, Ohio
will be held at the Providence-Biltmore Hotel in Providence, Rhode Island List of Speakers:
Further details are available from the Guild's web site at:
Ron King - "Tabernacle": Hole, Horse and Hell-box, a retired printer's viewpoint
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
Sue Hufton - Making a Mighty Manuscript Book: Writing the St. John's Bible
in the 21st Century
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
Kathy Abbot, Midori Kunikata-Cockram and Rachel Ward-Sale - Three Binders, Three
Styles: individual;
approaches to bookbinders
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
Martin Frost - Book Art on the Edge: A brief History of fore-edge decoration
18.30 - The Art Workers Guild, 6, Queens Square, London WC2 (Holborn Tube)
£4.00 admission (£2.00 for full time students)
Further information is available at:
To be held at the University of Bath Provisional List of Speakers:
Bindings entered for the SoB International Bookbinding Competition will be displayed during the Conference and the winners of the different categories will be announced at the Conference Dinner.
Full details regarding this event are available on the Society's web site at: