Volume 18 - Autumn 2004


Letters & Feedback


Designer Bookbinders at the Bibliotheca Wittockiana

For the first time in almost twenty years Designer Bookbinders will be displaying their recent work in a major exhibition at the prestigious venue of the Bibliotheca Wittockiana in Brussels. There will be just over ninety pieces of work in the exhibition featuring bindings from twenty-seven Fellows and Licentiates of Designer Bookbinders. The display will give visitors a rare opportunity to view the work of established fellows along side more recently-elected Fellows and Licentiates. Part of the exhibition will present a series of binding, commissioned from 1999 to the present day, by D\B member, Alec Taylor, that form part of his superb personal collection. The bindings shown here have not been exhibited in Europe before. As a sample of recent work this display will highlight the wide variety of personal binding styles from a 'traditional' approach, to exuberant contemporary designs that explore a variety of materials and structures. This exhibition opens on 25 September 2004 and runs until 23 January 2005, at the Bibliotheca Wittockiana, 21, rue du Bemel, B-1150 Brussels. It is open from 10.00 to 17.00, Tuesday to Saturday. Closed Sunday and Monday.

Jenni Grey, Brighton

Altering A Book

Its a fun project to hollow out a book. My daughter needed a place to store secret messages. Pick a large enough one so that you can hold something of substance. Pick a boring title, one recent one was "Canadian Constitutional Law". Leave a few pages at the start and the end uncut, I don't know why I do I just do. If you have a drill - drill the four corners of the "box". I hold paper tight with Davey Board (grey board/millboard - Ed.) board on top. This will help keep the cut out area square and avoid it "drifting" because of the play of a book opening. Cut out chunks of pages at a time - drill hole to drill hole. I glue the pages together inside the box so that it can hold things even standing up. I also glue the bottom pages so that the cut out area has a "bottom". When gluing these pages, don't use too much glue and spoil the textblock edge - making it look unnatural. Put under weight.

Rob Richards, Alberta, Canada


Skin Deep - Volume 18 - Autumn 2004

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