August 2024

The Society of Bookbinders Competition, 2024

The J. Hewit & Sons Award for Excellence in Design
Winner Celia Dominguez Fontan, Spain

La Guerra Hermandina
by José Couselo - Bouzas/Editorial Maxtor 2003
"Full goatskin binding crackled and dyed. Incisions paints with acrylics and mosaics of the same leather and techniques. Leather endbands. Fore-edges painted with aniline dyes."


J Hewit and Sons Award for Craftsmanship
Winner Rahel Scheufele, Switzerland

by Rike Wankmüller and Erika Zeise - Mandragora Verlag
"French binding with open-hinge, covered with self-made papers."


Our warmest congratulations go to Claudia and Rahel