Bibliopegy - (noun: art of book-binding) - is a hub for several pages on the history, the teaching and practice of the art of bookbinding. There are also links to the very informative Bookbinding discussion list.
David Brass Rare Books - David is an internationally renowned antiquarian bookseller who has been dealing in rare books and original artwork for over forty years. He learned the business from the ground up from his grandfather, Jack Joseph and great uncle, Sam Joseph, who traded as E. Joseph, the firm established by the family patriarch, Emmanuel Joseph, in 1876 on Holywell Street in the Strand. In 1900, E. Joseph moved to no. 48 on Charing Cross Road, the famed bookseller's row in London. Another branch of the family traded as Marks & Co., the booksellers immortalized by Helene Hanff in her history of the shop down the street from E. Joseph, 84 Charing Cross Road. David's family traces its roots in the book business to an ancestor who had a bookstall in St. Paul's churchyard in London in 1516. Today is company is based in California. Their specialties are English and American Literature, Children's Books, Illustrated Books, Modern Firsts, European Literature, Original Art Color-Plate Books and Fine Bindings.
Calligraphy, Lettering Art & Artist Books - is based in Victoria, Australia. Galleries of artworks relating to the lettering and book arts. Also the Calligraphic & Book Arts World Travel Guide. This a beautifully constructed site and is well worth a visit.
iBookbinding - welcomes you to its site of free book binding resources and tutorials. Feel free to browse through their instructional posts, watch their video tutorials or find local bookbinders in their directory.
Colophon - The Colophon Page is a home on the Internet for the community of collectors, dealers and lovers of modern illustrated and fine press books. You are invited to tour the site: visit the Gallery and Richard Minsky's hyper linked - and continually evolving - survey of 20th Century Illustrated Books, the international Dealer's Marketplace, and the events Calendar which is regularly updated.
Alan Isaac Rare Books - We trade in old, rare, used and newly published books on the art and craft of bookbinding, and related fields including, but not limited to, printing, illustration and paper of all kinds. Our select range of designed bindings come to us direct from internationally renowned binders. We either stock or can obtain books published overseas and are pleased to be UK agent for the niche US publisher, The Legacy Press. We are very happy to consider books for purchase, either individually or as a collection.
Orchid Press - established in Thailand in 1981, is a specialised publishing house devoted to books related to Asia-books of general interest, scholarly texts, fiction, and poetry, both new works and reprints. Their policy is to keep books in print for a number of years. Books are sold through distributors, booksellers and directly to customers around the world.
The Invention and History of the Printing Press - The printing press is considered one of the most important inventions in history. Without the printing press, it would not be possible for us to read any of the tangible works we encounter every day. From books to magazines to newspapers, the printing press made it possible to produce literature and reading material in great quantities. The printing press is credited for advocating and supporting literacy throughout the world. The printing press has gone through many changes and modifications over the years due to new discoveries and ever changing technologies, however, the idea still remains the same. Below you will find information on the early forms of paper, the history of books, the trials and errors of the different printing methods and how the printing press we use today evolved. - Our thanks go to Emelia Miller who discovered this excellent resource whilst completing her Girl Scout's 'Book Artist' Badge.